Save, restore, and share searches
We have some exciting new features in Signal to help reduce click fatigue, streamline search, and share insights with your team.
See and restore saved searches
On the home page, we have added a new panel for you to see your last 25 recent searches and save them in case you do not want to go through the trouble of inputting all of your parameters again — just click on 'Saved and Recent Searches' below in the bottom right corner:
You will see the last searches on your account, ordered by most recent to least recent, on the right hand side under 'recent searches':
In case it is unclear what you searched for by the preview description, feel free to click on any of your recent searches to restore them — you will then return to the results output for the search you selected. For instance, if you clicked the first option "Code 90837 + 4 networks," you would see:
Was that not the search you were looking for? To go back to see your recent searches from the results page, click on the green bookmark icon on the top left corner of Signal left of the "Payers" panel. This will return you to the original menu of recent searches we began with:
Otherwise, if the search you selected was "close enough," feel free to use it as a starting point and make any necessary revisions. After you adjust your parameters, hit search again and Signal will continue working as normal.
Other notes to keep in mind for restoring past searches:
- Restoring a search always receives the most recently available data. For example, if you ran a search on Feb 28 but restored it on March 2, you would see the March data not the February data.
- For restoring searches that contained specific providers, the UI will populate the list of NPIs and EINs used to query the data. For more information on how to crosswalk between NPIs<>provider-names<>EINs, please read our provider search guide.
Save Searches
When creating a search or looking at a past search, you have the option to pin and name the search for future reference.
This option is available after you have completed / restored a past search on the bottom tool-bar all the way to the right under "Save"
Clicking "Save" will prompt you to name the search for easy retrieval:
After, selecting "Confirm," the search will then show up under the "Saved Searches" panel — accessible via the the bookmark icon on top of the screen or through the home page:
Once saved, all the same logic applies as restoring a past search. You can click on the saved search to see the most recent results or use it as a starting point for a different search.
Share searches
Lastly, every time you hit "Search" now, you will see the url in Signal update to reflect your unique search. If you would like to share searches with others on your team or the Serif support team to help you trouble shoot any issues, simply copy the url directly or click the "Share" button left of "Save" on the bottom toolbar to add to your clipboard: