What limits does Serif apply to viewing the data?
In Search mode, Serif applies the following limits:
- You must specify at least one code and one network to generate a search
- Results limited to 10,000 rows -- but you can always add filters in the panels + click on a specific part of the rates distribution to get a complete results set
- Number of codes you can pass has to be <10
- Number of networks you can query at once has to be <250
In Peer Benchmarks mode, Serif applies the following limits:
- You must specify at least one EIN and a code to generate a report
- Number of unique EINs you can pass has to be <100
- Number of codes you can pass has to be <1000
In Market Benchmarks mode, Serif applies the following limits:
- You must specify at least one code to generate a report
- Number of codes you can pass has to be <10